Imre Tarjányi
The tank! - My first programming experience
When I was young, around the mid-90s, my parents gave me opportunities to learn computer science in summer school. There I met the Logo language which is an educational programming language. In general, those lessons had two parts, the learning part and the free time part. All of the other children started to play PC games (like Prince of Persia, Prehistoric, Lotus Turbo and so on) during the free time sessions.
However, I was thinking about how to use the learnt knowledge to draw a special, unique thing. So I decided to draw a tank using the Logo language. Another class teacher was skeptical and did not believe in me, my knowledge, and it increasingly encouraged me to prove I was able to do wonderful things on my own.
Eventually, the artifact was done, a 2D tank written in the Logo. I was very proud and always wanted to improve it a little to make it better and better. (Our class teacher nudged the other class teacher, “Look, there is a tank really”, and both of them gave me an appreciative smile.)
Fun facts
- I like to learn frameworks and use them as well as possible
- My partner and our two nice daughters give me the possibility to raise my hobby to the next level. Thanks to them!
- Future-oriented and traditionalist
- Current favorite PC games: HLL, Fallout 4 (in survival mode)
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